Images taken by Kevin Murphy

Records: 48

The following is a list of the records made by Kevin Murphy in species name order.

Click on the number in the column headed 'No' to see the full record details and on the thumbnail image in order to view the full-size image.

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NoImageSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Picture byColl.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc CodeImage
77487Aponogeton desertorum Aponogeton desertorum Aug 2006MP Kennedy
A Hardie
MM Ali
KJ Murphy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy A Hardie MM Ali KJ Murphy mule0506 - S1 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy River channelMulembo (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77505Aponogeton rehmannii Aponogeton rehmannii Aug 2006MP Kennedy
A Hardie
MM Ali
KJ Murphy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy A Hardie MM Ali KJ Murphy lowo0106 - S11 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLuwombwa (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77507Aponogeton rehmannii Aponogeton rehmannii Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo musf0110 - S118 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelCoso (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77508Aponogeton rehmannii Aponogeton rehmannii Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy kabo0310 - S155 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKabompo (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77552Bolboschoenus glaucus Bolboschoenus glaucus Jun 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy lumb0211 - S190 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLuombe (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77550Bolboschoenus glaucus Bolboschoenus glaucus Oct 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy luab0110 - S136 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLuambimbe (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79439Carex rhodesiaca Carex rhodesiaca Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy muta0110 - S149 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Mutanda (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 20% of sample points.
Determined in Safrass project as Carex austroafricana Syn. For Carex rhodesiaca

79439Carex rhodesiaca Carex rhodesiaca Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy muta0110 - S149 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Mutanda (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 20% of sample points.
Determined in Safrass project as Carex austroafricana Syn. For Carex rhodesiaca

79440Ceratophyllum muricatum Ceratophyllum muricatum May 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy mach0110 - S83 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79441Ceratophyllum muricatum Ceratophyllum muricatum Jul 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo musg0110 - S128 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Musangashi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77697Cyperus alopecuroides Cyperus alopecuroides Jun 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo kafu0110 - S91 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKafue (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77697Cyperus alopecuroides Cyperus alopecuroides Jun 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo kafu0110 - S91 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKafue (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77699Cyperus alopecuroides Cyperus alopecuroides Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo kanc0110 - S117 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKanchibia (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

77817Cyperus papyrus Cyperus papyrus Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1508 - S39 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

77838Cyperus procerus Cyperus procerus Jul 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy lupa0111 - S220 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLufupa (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

77838Cyperus procerus Cyperus procerus Jul 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy lupa0111 - S220 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLufupa (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79445Echinochloa ugandensis Echinochloa ugandensis May 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy mach0110 - S83 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) )

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79445Echinochloa ugandensis Echinochloa ugandensis May 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy mach0110 - S83 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) )

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79442Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo lupo0110 - S114 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Luposh 35 (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.
Determined in Safrass project as Eleocharis naumanniana

79444Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Jul 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy muti0111m - S207 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Mutinondo (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.
Determined in Safrass project as Eleocharis naumanniana

79444Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Eleocharis naumanniana var. naumanniana Jul 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy muti0111m - S207 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Mutinondo (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.
Determined in Safrass project as Eleocharis naumanniana

79446Eriocaulon transvaalicum subsp. tofieldifolium Eriocaulon transvaalicum subsp. tofieldifolium Jul 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo musg0110 - S128 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Musangashi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79452Hydrocotyle bonariensis Hydrocotyle bonariensis Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy luen0110 - S140 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Luena (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)

Species present in 60% of sample points.

79461Leptochloa chinensis Leptochloa chinensis Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy lui0110 - S138 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Lui (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79461Leptochloa chinensis Leptochloa chinensis Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy lui0110 - S138 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Lui (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78117Limosella australis Limosella australis Jun 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo zamb0110 - S92 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelZambezi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78256Nymphaea lotus Nymphaea lotus Jun 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo zamb0410 - S99 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy River channelZMCU1 20 (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78369Nymphaea nouchali var. petersiana Nymphaea nouchali var. petersiana Oct 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy luab0110 - S136 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLuambimbe (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78446Ottelia ulvifolia Ottelia ulvifolia Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1408 - S38 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 100% of sample points.

78462Ottelia verdickii Ottelia verdickii Aug 2006MP Kennedy
A Hardie
MM Ali
KJ Murphy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy A Hardie MM Ali KJ Murphy muso0306 - S3 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy River channelMusola (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

78716Paspalum distichum Paspalum distichum Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy kasu0110 - S162 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKasu ka Tange (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78716Paspalum distichum Paspalum distichum Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy kasu0110 - S162 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelKasu ka Tange (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

78721Paspalum vaginatum Paspalum vaginatum Nov 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy Lumw0210 - S154 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLumwana West (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79462Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo lupo0110 - S114 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Luposh 35 (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79463Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Jul 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo musg0110 - S128 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Musangashi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79463Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Jul 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo musg0110 - S128 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Musangashi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79489Phragmites mauritianus Phragmites mauritianus Aug 2008KJ Murphy
KJ Murphy KJ Murphy Musola River at Fibwe (Kasanka National Park)

79096Potamogeton schweinfurthii Potamogeton schweinfurthii Jun 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy KJ Murphy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo zamb0310 - S94 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy River channelZambezi (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)

Species present in 100% of sample points.

79186Schoenoplectus confusus Schoenoplectus confusus May 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy gwem0110 - S85 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelGwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79186Schoenoplectus confusus Schoenoplectus confusus May 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy gwem0110 - S85 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelGwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79188Schoenoplectus confusus Schoenoplectus confusus Oct 2010MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy sifu0110 - S135 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelSifula (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79388Websteria confervoides Websteria confervoides Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo cham0110 - S116 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelChambeshi (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79389Websteria confervoides Websteria confervoides Jun 2011MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy cham0211 - S188 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelChambeshi (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79392Xyris anceps var. anceps Xyris anceps var. anceps Aug 2006MP Kennedy
A Hardie
MM Ali
KJ Murphy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy A Hardie MM Ali KJ Murphy luse0106 - S10 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
Lake, pool, lagoonLusenga (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79394Xyris anceps var. anceps Xyris anceps var. anceps Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo luon0110 - S112 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
River channelLuongo (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79475Xyris gerrardii Xyris gerrardii Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy S Varandas Martins J Tapia Grimaldo luos0110 - S115 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Luososhi (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.

79477Xyris rehmannii Xyris rehmannii May 2012MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy unna0112 - S226 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel Unnamed (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 20% of sample points.

79478Xyris rehmannii Xyris rehmannii May 2012MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy MP Kennedy ntum0112 - S227 MP Kennedy KJ Murphy AbUnHerb
river channel (Ntumriver channeler backwater/ oxbow/distributaryhushi Falls) (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)

Species present in 40% of sample points.


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Images made by Kevin Murphy., retrieved 22 December 2024

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