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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Rubiaceae | Anthospermum ternatum subsp. randii | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Acanthaceae | Blepharis glumacea | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Dipsacaceae | Cephalaria katangensis | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria amoena | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria caudata | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria cornetii | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Ebenaceae | Diospyros virgata | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Poaceae | Eragrostis sclerantha subsp. villosipes | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Fadogia stenophylla subsp. odorata | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Thymelaeaceae | Gnidia chrysantha | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Julbernardia paniculata | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Poaceae | Melinis macrochaeta | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Dipterocarpaceae | Monotes katangensis | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Multidentia crassa var. ampla | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Menyanthaceae | Nymphoides thunbergiana | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Otomeria elatior | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Polygonaceae | Oxygonum dregeanum subsp. strictum | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Chrysobalanaceae | Parinari curatellifolia | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Poaceae | Pogonarthria squarrosa | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Psydrax kraussioides | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pterocarpus angolensis | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Gentianaceae | Schinziella tetragona | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce dibrachiata | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | Record |
Number of records found: 23
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