Literature: | | |
Leistner, O.A. (2005) Seed plants of southern tropical Africa: families and genera SABONET Report No. 26 SABONET, Pretoria | | |
Mendes, E.J. (1966) Connaraceae Flora Zambesiaca 2(2) | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
BURTTIA Baker f. & Exell | | |
Burttia prunoides Baker f. & Exell [VU] | N |
| | |
3419.000 AGELAEA Sol. ex Planch. | | |
Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. | N |
Agelaea heterophylla Gilg | | |
Agelaea nitida sensu Baker f. | | |
Agelaea ugandensis G. Schellenb. | | |
| | |
3424.000 ROUREA Aubl. | | |
Rourea minor (Gaertn.) Alston | N |
Rourea afzelii R. Br. | | |
Rourea splendida Gilg | | |
Santaloides afzelii (R.Br. ex Planch.) Schellenb. | | |
Santaloides splendidum (Gilg) Schellenb. | | |
Rourea orientalis Baill. | B,N,W,C,E,S |
Byrsocarpus coccineus sensu auct. | | |
Byrsocarpus orientalis (Baill.) Baker | | |
Byrsocarpus tomentosus Schellenb. | | |
Rourea thomsonii (Baker) Jongkind | |
Cnestis pinnata P. Beauv. | | |
Jaundea pinnata (P. Beauv.) G. Schellenb. | | |
Rourea monticola Gilg | | |