Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 29 May 1994

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
LamiaceaeAeollanthus engleri Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
BurseraceaeCommiphora mossambicensis Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeDiplorhynchus condylocarpon Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills.Record
MelastomataceaeDissotis cryptantha Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia cyparissioides Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills.Record
MoraceaeFicus ovata Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
AnnonaceaeFriesodielsia obovata Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills.Record
ThymelaeaceaeGnidia chrysantha Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
RubiaceaeKohautia coccinea Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
DipterocarpaceaeMonotes africanus Chinsali District; ca. 15 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages.Record
IridaceaeMoraea bella Chinsali District; ca. 15 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages.Record
PolygalaceaePolygala melilotoides Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
LamiaceaePycnostachys stuhlmannii Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
GentianaceaeSebaea minuta Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
PedaliaceaeSesamum angolense Chinsali District; 25 km E-NE of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) between pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. Record
LamiaceaeVitex doniana Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills.Record

Number of records found: 16

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=1994&month_search=May&day_search=29, retrieved 22 December 2024

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