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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera sessilis | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera sessilis | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera sessilis | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Salviniaceae | Azolla filiculoides | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Salviniaceae | Azolla filiculoides | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Salviniaceae | Azolla filiculoides | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Ceratophyllaceae | Ceratophyllum muricatum | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record (with image) |
Commelinaceae | Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Commelinaceae | Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Amaryllidaceae | Crinum macowanii | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus alopecuroides | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus alopecuroides | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus difformis | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus digitatus var. digitatus | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus digitatus var. digitatus | Maamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus digitatus var. digitatus | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus digitatus var. digitatus | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus involucratus | Munyeke (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus involucratus | Maamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Cyperus involucratus | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Echinochloa jubata | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Echinochloa jubata | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Echinochloa ugandensis | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) ) | Record (with image) |
Pontederiaceae | Eichhornia crassipes | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Pontederiaceae | Eichhornia crassipes | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Fuirena pubescens | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Leersia hexandra | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Leersia hexandra | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Leersia hexandra | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Leersia hexandra | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Leersia hexandra | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Plantaginaceae | Limnophila indica | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Onagraceae | Ludwigia adscendens | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Onagraceae | Ludwigia senegalensis | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Onagraceae | Ludwigia senegalensis | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Menyanthaceae | Nymphoides senegalensis | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Menyanthaceae | Nymphoides senegalensis | Loanji Tributary (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Oryza barthii | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum parvifolium | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum repens | Maamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum repens | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum repens | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum repens | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum repens | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria decipiens | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria decipiens | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria decipiens | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria limbata | Loanji Tributary (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria madagascariensis | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record (with image) |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria senegalensis | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Munyeke (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Zinazangwe (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Maamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Kalomo Tributary (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Machili (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Pycreus unioloides | Chioma (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record (with image) |
Cyperaceae | Schoenoplectus confusus | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record (with image) |
Cyperaceae | Schoenoplectus corymbosus | Gwembe (FEOW: Kafue Flats) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Schoenoplectus corymbosus | Ngweze (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain) | Record |
Cyperaceae | Schoenoplectus corymbosus | Mulamba (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Podostemaceae | Tristicha trifaria | Zinazangwe (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa) | Record |
Number of records found: 64
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