Eriocoelum lawtonii Exell

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Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; May 2008.
Photo: Jos Stevens

Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; May 2008.
Photo: Jos Stevens

Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; Jan 2008.
Photo: Jos Stevens

Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; Sep 2009.
Photo: Jos Stevens

Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; May 2008.
Photo: Jos Stevens

Eriocoelum lawtonii

Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC; Oct 2007.
Photo: Jos Stevens

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Synonyms: Eriocoelum kerstingii Gilg ex Engl. var. katangense Hauman
Common names:
Status: Native
Tree or shrub 8–18(–30) tall; bark grey-brown; foliage appearing dark; young stems, petioles, inflorescences etc. covered with dense ferruginous or golden brown hairs. Leaves with 2–3 pairs of opposite or subopposite leaflets, the lowest pair stipuliform, often soon deciduous but leaving scars; leaflet-blades oblong, oblong-elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, 2–20 cm. long, 1.5–8.6 cm. wide, subacute, obtuse or rounded at the apex, cuneate and often unequal or ± rounded at the base, ± glabrous above, ± pilose or pubescent on the venation beneath or eventually glabrous. Panicles large, ± divided from the base, 8–12(–20) cm. long, 10–15 cm. wide, with primary branches up to 8 cm. long; pedicels 4 mm. long; all axes densely ferruginous pubescent. Flowers ± 4 mm. wide; sepals oblong, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, pubescent on both faces; petals white, linear-lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long, scales very hairy, scarcely as wide as the limb; disk 1 mm. tall. Stamens 4 mm. long; staminodes 2 mm. long. Ovary globose, 2.5 mm. diameter, densely ferruginous pubescent; style 3 mm. long; rudimentary ovary reduced to few hairs. Fruit light brown, yellow or red, depressed globose, ± woody, 1.8–3 cm. diameter, at first hairy, eventually smooth and glabrous; valves 2–2.5 cm. wide, 2.5–3 mm. thick, woolly at base inside. Seeds 3, black, 1.25 cm. long, shiny with red arillode.(Description JSTOR)
Type location:
Derivation of specific name:
Habitat: Riverine forest
Altitude range:
Flowering time:
Worldwide distribution:
Zambian distribution (Flora Zambesiaca): N,W
Zambian distribution (Provinces): Nw,Lp,N
Growth form(s):
Endemic status: Endemic
Red data list status: Lower Risk - least concern
Insects associated with this species:
Spot characters: Display spot characters for this species

Exell, A.W. (1966). Sapindaceae Flora Zambesiaca 2(2) Pages 518 - 519. (Includes a picture).

Other sources of information about Eriocoelum lawtonii:

Our websites:

Flora of the DRC: Eriocoelum lawtonii

External websites:

African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg): Eriocoelum lawtonii
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library): Eriocoelum lawtonii
EOL (Encyclopedia of Life): Eriocoelum lawtonii
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility): Eriocoelum lawtonii
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
iNaturalist: Eriocoelum lawtonii
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Eriocoelum lawtonii
JSTOR Plant Science: Eriocoelum lawtonii
Mansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: Eriocoelum lawtonii
Plants of the World Online: Eriocoelum lawtonii
Tropicos: Eriocoelum lawtonii
Wikipedia: Eriocoelum lawtonii

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Species information: Eriocoelum lawtonii., retrieved 3 December 2024

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