Brachiaria deflexa (Schumach.) Robyns

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All records: View Zambia records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number    No of images    Record date    Recorder(s)    Coll.    Det.    Conf.    Herbaria    Habitat    Location    Loc code(s)    Outing code    Planted code    Country    QDS    Grid ref.    FZ Div    Alt. (m)    Notes    Lat    Long    Loc Acc Code   
93961030 Dec 1958DJB Killick
OA Leistner
DJB Killick
OA Leistner

Caprivi: Katima Mulilo Area. About 10 miles from Katima on road to Linyanti.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C2 02.6 ft high; Graminoid; Notes: Occasional in tall grassveld. Erect culms 2.6 feet.-17.62500024.3750005
42617029 Jan 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
M Stalmans

Under trees on old termite hill in deciduous woodland.Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park. 140Mozambique1834C4 MS39-18.97783934.3517097
66215020 Apr 2013BT Wursten
A Short
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten
M Stalmans



Open area with shallow gravelly soils on limestone Plateau above Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma 140Mozambique1834D2 MS218-18.64399034.8150017
8114601 Jan 1988MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Open woodland.Gwembe District; Lake Kariba, Kotakota Peninsula. 0Zambia1628D3 S500Lake Kariba. Open woodland.-16.83333328.6666675
20134325 Dec 2007MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
MA Hyde
MSM Sosef


Riverine forestShashe Wilderness Camp, Shashe River90Zimbabwe2129C3 QF268745S580-21.92215029.1952906
20288126 Dec 2007MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
MA Hyde
MSM Sosef


Edge of riverine vegetationBy rd from Shashe Wilderness Camp to the National Parks office90Zimbabwe2129C3 QF266742S5806
582808 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside vergeNr Umvumvumvu R Br. by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd400Zimbabwe1932D1 VP495397E6100
581108 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Roadside vergeRimiti West, by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd0Zimbabwe1932B3 VP512462E7100
267321 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Open dry woodlandRimiti West, by rd from Mutare to Birchenough Bridge0Zimbabwe1932D3 VP522479E7600
81148022 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt
L Fish

Along the escarpment and into the gorge, exiting to the Zambezi River. In Mopane-Terminalia woodland with cambisol-luvisol soil. Kalomo District; 27 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road. On the road to Mukumi Village. 0Zambia S870Herb; 35 cm, erect. Anthers orange, conspicuous. Young fruits light green. Common in open areas.0
14820031 Jan 2000MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
In sand near riverNr Odzi River, Mapor Estate, Odzi130Zimbabwe1932A2 VP38-94-E9100
94801018 Feb 1988GL Maggs
GL Maggs

Caprivi: Inkasa Island: malapo on banks of Linyandi river.2080Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1725C3 93030 cm high; Graminoid; Notes: Erect, annual grass, up to 30 cm high when in flower. Culm erect to somewhat geniculate, much branched, slender, terete, yellow-green with long, white, sericeous indumentum especially conspicuous at dark-banded nodes. Leaf blade lanceolate, tapering to narrow apex over a length of 50 - 100 mm, up to 10 mm wide, thin and softly textured, expanded, ascending to somewhat recurved, bright green, covered on both surfaces by fine, white, short, downy indumentum, margins white with long straight, white hairs, base rounded. Ligule an inconspicuous brown, membranous ridge with short, white, straight hairs. Leaf sheath tightly circumculmate from collar region, overlapping, 25 - 50 mm long, paler green with relatively dense long, white, sericeous indumentum. Inflorescence a panicle of spaced racemes, up to 200 x 80 mm, elliptic in outline, enclosed initially in upper leaf sheath. Racemes 50 mm long, alternately arranged on main axis at intervals of 3 - 30 mm; secondary axis slender, sinuate with dense, short, white, velutinous indumentum. Spikelets paired, minutely ovoid, 2 x 1.5 mm, apex acute. Glumes tightly clasped, membranous, pale green to purple tinted. Stigma branches apically exerted, deep purple.-17.78330025.2075005
80535012 Feb 2012AM Isaiah
T Komi
AM Isaiah
T Komi

Botswana National Botanic Garden, Gaberone0Botswana2425D2 SE985Cited in Grasses in the Botswana National Botanic Garden, Isaiah, A.M. & Komi, T. (2015).-24.66726025.9449705
57605019 Dec 1997MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
LJ Mullin
Open woodlandNear gravel pit at 37.2 km on the road from Golden Valley to Sanyati0Zimbabwe1829B1 C1000-18.10901029.5134706
14703029 Jan 2000MA Hyde
Roadside weedsMapor Estate, Odzi130Zimbabwe1932A2 VP370916E10000
14224010 Jan 1997MA Hyde
WoodlandC. 33 km peg from Golden Valley to Sanyati0Zimbabwe1829B1 QK697940C10000
8114701 Feb 1995MG Bingham
MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba, Wardy Farm. 0Zambia1528A1 C1100-15.10000028.1666674
2916005 Jan 1995MA Hyde
Weed in carparkKhami Ruins, near Bulawayo69,810Zimbabwe2028A2 W1290-20.14529028.4235100
53751031 Dec 2007MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
MSM Sosef

Full sun behind dam wall, among grass & weeds in disturbed rocky woodland Hillside Dams, Bulawayo22,810Zimbabwe2028B1 W1400-20.19993028.6209706

Total records found: 19

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Species information: Records of: Brachiaria deflexa., retrieved 15 March 2025

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