Home | > | List of families | > | Vitaceae | > | Cissus | > | rubiginosa | > | Records |
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No | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Zam bot prov | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
81379 | 08 May 1994 | HH Schmidt | HH Schmidt 1342 | B Verdcourt | K | Open miombo woodlands, grasslands, and adjacent cultivated fields with large granitic outcropping of boulders. | Serenje District; 57.0 km NW of Chisomo on the Chisomo-Serenje road (RD 223). Ca. 30.0 km SE of junction with the Serenje-Mpika road (T2). | 0 | Zambia | 1330A4 | C | C | 1180 | Vine; climbing among rocks. Plant with golden-tan pubescence. Fruits green, glaucous turning dark purple. Uncommon. | -13.437500 | 30.379167 | 5 | ||||
81380 | 04 Feb 1994 | PP Smith | PP Smith 228 | Upper escarpment miombo woodland. | North Luangwa National Park. | 91 | 0 | Zambia | 1132C1 | N | Mc | 1100 | Shrub (1 m), fruiting. | -11.666667 | 32.166667 | 5 | |||||
81381 | 16 Feb 1994 | PP Smith | PP Smith 238 | Lower escarpment and hill miombo woodland. | North Luangwa National Park. | 91 | 0 | Zambia | 1131D4 | N | Mc | 900 | Shrub (1 m), flowering (white). | -11.750000 | 31.983333 | 4 |
Total records found: 3
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