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This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.
Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Zimbabwean and Mozambican websites.
Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.
Eriocaulon abyssinicum | N,C,E,S | |
Eriocaulon africanum | N,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon afzelianum | N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon angustibracteatum | B,N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon bongense | W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon buchananii | N,W,C,E,S | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon chloanthe | E | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon cinereum | B,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon deightonii | W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon inyangense | N,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon latifolium | N | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon mbalensis | N | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon mutatum var. majus | N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon mutatum var. angustisepalum | B,N,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon mutatum var. mutatum | B,N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon pictum | N,W | |
Eriocaulon ramocaulon | N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon setaceum | N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon stenophyllum | B,N | |
Eriocaulon taeniophyllum | N,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon teusczii | B,N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum subsp. dembianense | N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum subsp. tofieldifolium | No living plant images found | |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum subsp. hanningtonii | C,E | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon varium | N,W | No living plant images found |
Eriocaulon welwitschii | W,S | No living plant images found |
Mesanthemum glabrum | N,W | No living plant images found |
Mesanthemum pilosum | B,N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Mesanthemum radicans | N | No living plant images found |
Mesanthemum variabile | N,W | No living plant images found |
Paepalanthus lamarckii | N | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus angolensis | N,C | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus exilis | W | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus longibracteatus | N,C | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus mwinilungensis | W | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus paleaceus | N | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus poggeanus | B,N,W | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus robinsonii | N | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus wahlbergii var. sinkabolensis | W | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus wahlbergii var. wahlbergii | B,N,C,S | No living plant images found |
Syngonanthus welwitschii | B,N |
41 species found
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