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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Acanthaceae | Blepharis asteracantha | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Asteraceae | Calostephane angolensis | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Commelinaceae | Floscopa glomerata | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Gardenia subacaulis | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Poaceae | Sacciolepis typhura | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce dibrachiata | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Gentianaceae | Swertia welwitschii | Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. | Record |
Number of records found: 7
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