Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 18 Mar 1997

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AcanthaceaeBarleria matopensis Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
OrobanchaceaeBuchnera hispida Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
AsteraceaeCalostephane angolensis Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
OrchidaceaeCalyptrochilum christyanum Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeCeropegia stenantha Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. 13.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum geophilum Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
CommelinaceaeCommelina nigritana var. nigritana Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
RubiaceaeCoptosperma neurophyllum Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
IridaceaeGladiolus gregarius Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
OrchidaceaeHabenaria cirrhata Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
OrchidaceaeHabenaria malacophylla Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
OrchidaceaeHabenaria silvatica Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea obscura var. sagittifolia Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeJulbernardia globiflora Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. 13.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
CampanulaceaeLobelia heyneana Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
RubiaceaePaederia bojeriana subsp. foetens Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. 13.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
RubiaceaePentas angustifolia Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
PoaceaeSetaria orthosticha Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia longipes var. longipes Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia stormsii var. stormsii Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna reticulata Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 16 km from Munyumbwe. Record
CampanulaceaeWahlenbergia capitata Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record
CampanulaceaeWahlenbergia hirsuta Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. Ca. 24.2 km from Munyumbwe. Record

Number of records found: 23

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=1997&month_search=Mar&day_search=18, retrieved 22 December 2024

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