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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Capparaceae | Boscia salicifolia | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum aureonitens | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Poaceae | Eragrostis racemosa | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Iridaceae | Gladiolus atropurpureus | Lusaka District; Jellis Ranch, Leopard's Hill Road at end of Tarmac. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Millettia eetveldeana var. brevistipellata | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Ochnaceae | Ochna polyneura | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Pseudoprosopis fischeri | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Combretaceae | Pteleopsis anisoptera | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Dilleniaceae | Tetracera masuiana | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Rutaceae | Vepris trichocarpa | Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. | Record |
Number of records found: 11
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