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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Iridaceae | Afrosolen schimperi | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Agathisanthemum globosum | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Orobanchaceae | Alectra orobanchoides | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Commelinaceae | Aneilema nicholsonii | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Anemiaceae | Anemia angolensis | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Antidesma venosum | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Poaceae | Aristida hordeacea | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Bauhinia tomentosa | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Anthericaceae | Chlorophytum brachystachyum | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Anthericaceae | Chlorophytum longifolium | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum zeyheri | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria microcarpa | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria pallidicaulis | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria podocarpa | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Vitaceae | Cyphostemma gigantophyllum | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Vitaceae | Cyphostemma lovemorei | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Ebenaceae | Diospyros kirkii | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Sinopteridaceae | Doryopteris concolor | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Acanthaceae | Elytraria acaulis | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia tettensis | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Indigofera dyeri var. dyeri | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Poaceae | Loudetia flavida | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Sinopteridaceae | Pellaea longipilosa | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Pentas angustifolia | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Orobanchaceae | Striga gesnerioides | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Tephrosia acaciifolia | Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. | Record |
Boraginaceae | Trichodesma zeylanicum | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Vangueria proschii | Gwembe District; 19.1 km W of intersection of road to Sinazongwe and Choma-Maamba Road; then S then E 6.2 km on road towards Sialwala Primary School; also Maamba Waterworks. | Record |
Number of records found: 28
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