Prostrate or suberect clump-forming subshrub up to c. 50 cm.; stems brown, the upper parts 4-angled, bifariously pubescent with papilla-like hairs. Leaves somewhat fleshy in life, rigid when dry, 1.5–4 cm. x 1.5–2.5 mm., linear, acute at the apex, subsessile, glabrous save for short stiff marginal hairs rendering margin very scabrid; lateral nerves not visible; stipule sheath 3 mm. long, papillate-puberulous, with 1–5 setae, 0.5–6 mm. long. Flowers up to c. 20 in terminal congested clusters and at 1–3 immediately lower nodes. Calyx lobes 2,3–6 mm. long, linear, acute. Corolla pale blue, 4–7 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at the throat, narrowly funnel-shaped, glabrous; lobes 3–4 x 1–1.5 mm., triangular-oblong, acute, with very few apical hairs outside. Anthers and style exserted c. 2 mm.; stigmatic club bifid. Capsule 3 mm. long, obovoid. Seeds ± chestnut, 2.25–2.5 mm. long, oblong. From FZ, Vol 5, Part 1, (1989) Author: B. Verdcourt