Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | > | Crotalaria | > | ringoetii | > | Record no. 84722 |
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Date: | 21 Jun 2013 |
Recorder(s): | L Merrett |
Collector(s): | L Merrett LM1620 |
Determiner(s): | KB Vollesen |
Confirmer(s): | |
Herbarium: | K |
Habitat: | Woodland at end of dambo. Syzigium guineense, Julbernadia paniculata, Brachystegia floribunda, B. longifolia, Parinari curatellifolia, Ekebergia benguelensis, Syzygium guineense subsp. macrocarpum, Bobgunnia (Swartzia) madagascariensis, Uapaca kirkiana, U. sansibarica, Protea garguedii, P. welwitschii. Sandy soil. |
Location: | Mutinondo Widerness Area, Mayense Main Camp: Woodland south of Mayense and MWA |
Location code(s): | 116 |
Outing code: | |
Planted code: | Not planted |
Country: | Zambia |
Quarter Degree Square: | 1231C2 |
Grid reference: | |
FZ Divisions (Flora Zambesiaca): | N |
Current administrative provinces: | Mc |
Altitude (metres): | 1464 |
Notes: | Long limbed annual herb, leaves trifoliate, fruit spherical and beaked. Widespread |
Latitude, Longitude: | , |
Location Accuracy Code: | 6 |
Species id: | 183680 |
Image id: | 3 |
Image number: | 28306 |
Photographer: | L Merrett | Picture label | Mutinondo Wilderness Area Jun 2013 Photo: Lari Merret |
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen: | 0 |
Herbarium in which image taken: | |
Code 1 if image not to be displayed: | 0 |
Image notes: | |
Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | > | Crotalaria | > | ringoetii | > | Record no. 84722 |