Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | > | Newtonia | > | buchananii | > | Record no. 83012 |
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Date: | 27 Aug 1952 |
Recorder(s): | A Angus |
Collector(s): | A Angus 321 |
Determiner(s): | |
Confirmer(s): | |
Herbarium: | |
Habitat: | In 'sacred mushitu' near shore |
Location: | Fort Rosebery: In 'sacred mushitu' near shore of L. Bangweulu at Samfya, L. Bangweulu. Found with Trichilia emetica, Conopharyngia angolensis etc. |
Location code(s): | 112 |
Outing code: | |
Planted code: | Not planted |
Country: | Zambia |
Quarter Degree Square: | 1129B3 |
Grid reference: | |
FZ Divisions (Flora Zambesiaca): | W |
Current administrative provinces: | Cb |
Altitude (metres): | 0 |
Notes: | Large tree 70 ft high, with bole 3-4 ft d.b.h. Bark smooth bluish-grey with pale brown (on branches) or rusty brown (on trunk) lenticels bark thin 1/2 cm thilck, resinous. Said to be a sacred tree. Fruits collected from ground. |
Latitude, Longitude: | -11.350000,29.550000 |
Location Accuracy Code: | 4 |
Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | > | Newtonia | > | buchananii | > | Record no. 83012 |