Details of record no: 113696

Eulophia norlindhii Summerh.

Three blocks of information are displayed on this page, namely: (a) details of the record; (b) the record point plotted using Google Maps and (c) any images attached to the record. Please scroll down to see the various items.

Record details:

Date: 20 Nov 2020
Recorder(s):P English
Determiner(s):BT Wursten
Habitat: In miombo woodland.
Location: Near Thazima offices, Nyika National Park.
Location code(s): 180
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Malawi
Quarter Degree Square: 1033D3
Grid reference:
FZ Divisions (Flora Zambesiaca): N
Current administrative provinces:
Altitude (metres): 1665
Notes: The tallest plant not much more than 20cm tall. Some going to seed, and the least mature with buds still forming. The largest plant divided midway up the stem, just below where the flowers started, so it's flowers looked quite densely packed, other plants seemed to be single-stemmed. No visible leaves.
Latitude, Longitude: ,
Location Accuracy Code: 7

Map of species record

Records not available for display


Image: 17

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:17
Image number:38338
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 18

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:18
Image number:38339
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 19

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:19
Image number:38340
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 20

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:20
Image number:38341
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 21

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:21
Image number:38342
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 22

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:22
Image number:38343
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Image: 23

Eulophia norlindhii
Species id:119400
Image id:23
Image number:38344
Photographer: P English
Picture label
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Individual record no: 113696: Eulophia norlindhii., retrieved 22 December 2024

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