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Records of this taxon from Zambia are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Admin prov | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
81972 | 0 | 04 Oct 1972 | AK Strid | AK Strid 2282 | WAG | Combretum - Diplorhynchus woodland | Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka. | 0 | Zambia | C | Lk | 1075 | Shrub or small slender tree up to c. 8 m high. Co-dominant. Flowers white. | 0 | ||||||||
81974 | 0 | 23 Oct 1972 | AK Strid | AK Strid 2417 | DB Fanshawe | Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi | Barorseland, Senanga District; 42 miles from the ferry S of Senanga along road to Sesheke, c 1000 m Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi. | 0 | Zambia | 1000 | Slender tree c 8 m high. Flowers white. | 0 | ||||||||||
81976 | 0 | 17 Mar 1996 | NB Zimba | NB Zimba 773 | NB Zimba | NDO | Soil: Kalahari sands. | Mongu District; 17 km South-east of Mongu Town, 6 km off the Mongo-Kaoma Road, along old Lusaka Road. | 0 | Zambia | B | W | 1110 | Tree; to 10 m; common; in Kalahari sands woodland; leaves shiny, yellow-green; fruits paired, brown; latex white. | 0 | |||||||
60495 | 4 | 1976 | MG Bingham PE Bingham | 0 | Zambia | 0 | Drawing | 0 | ||||||||||||||
60499 | 4 | MG Bingham | Lusaka District. | 0 | Zambia | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
81970 | 0 | 08 Dec 1993 | MC Merello | MC Merello 1000 | AJM Leeuwenberg | WAG | Disturbed miombo woodland. | Kaputa District; Mweru Wantipa National Park, along main road through park (D-37) 8 km north of the southern park gate. | 94 | 0 | Zambia | 0829C4 | N | N | 1100 | Large tree 15 m; calyx green, petals cream in bud, white when open, slightly fragrant; leaves glossy above, dull and lighter beneath; contains white latex. Common. | -8.916667 | 29.433333 | 5 | |||
81971 | 0 | 30 Nov 1993 | CN Nkhoma | CN Nkhoma 55 | AJM Leeuwenberg | WAG | Miombo woodland with some human disturbance. | Mbala District; Mpulungu Protected Forest Area. 17.3 km northwest of Mbala-Tanzania road intersection with road to Kalambo Falls. 31.7 km from intersection at Sunga village. | 125 | 0 | Zambia | 0831C2 | N | N | 840 | Occasional tree with strong, sweet scent from flowers. White petals. | -8.695000 | 31.269444 | 4 | |||
81967 | 0 | 29 May 1994 | DK Harder | DK Harder 3248 | AJM Leeuwenberg | WAG | in seasonal marsh/grassland along road. Collections in grassland and on raised woodland areas. | Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills. | 0 | Zambia | 0932D3 | N | Mc | 1200 | 12 m tall tree x 20 cm dbh; latex white turning light yellow; fruits dull green-brown with lighter lenticels. | -9.816667 | 32.500000 | 5 | ||||
81966 | 0 | 17 May 1994 | DK Harder | DK Harder 3157 | AJM Leeuwenberg | WAG | Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. | Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. | 0 | Zambia | 1132C2 | N | Mc | 1310 | Occasional tree in woodland and among rocks; stems grey, young twigs brown with minute white lenticels; midrib of leaf yellow; paired fruit light brown with lighter spots; latex from cortex and phloem white. | -11.749444 | 32.472222 | 5 | ||||
81975 | 0 | 16 Feb 1995 | NB Zimba | NB Zimba 557 | NB Zimba | NDO | In miombo woodland | Solwezi District; Jiwundu Resettlement Area; near Jiwundu River. | 0 | Zambia | 1225B1 | W | Nw | 1174 | Tree; in miombo woodland; common; bark brown with grey dots; leaves green, smooth; latex white; fruits green with brown dots. | -12.187222 | 25.619444 | 5 | ||||
81968 | 0 | 07 Mar 1995 | B Luwiika | B Luwiika 160 | AJM Leeuwenberg | B Luwiika | WAG | Kasempa District; Kasempa; Kamusongwe Hill directly adjacent to Kamusongwe Prison; ca. 2 km from city center. | 0 | Zambia | 1325B4 | W | Nw | 1470 | Tree; ca. 6 m tall; bark and stems brown; leaves smooth, dark green adaxially, pale green abaxially; fruits dark green with brown lenticels; latex white. | -13.441111 | 25.833333 | 5 | ||||
81973 | 0 | 06 Oct 1972 | AK Strid | AK Strid 2298 | WAG | Forest Reserve | Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka). | 0 | Zambia | 1528A2 | C | C | 1200 | Slender tree 6-12 m high. Flowers white. | -15.010000 | 28.300000 | 4 | |||||
69915 | 0 | 12 Feb 2016 | M Coates Palgrave MG Bingham | Miombo woodland | Lusaka, Protected Forest Area No. 27: Kavindele’s walled off section | 0 | Zambia | 1528A4 | C | 1280 | -15.444439 | 28.397109 | 7 | |||||||||
65977 | 0 | 21 Mar 2015 | M Coates Palgrave | M Coates Palgrave | Miombo woodland | Choma, Nansai, road to Masuku Lodge | 0 | Zambia | 1627C1 | S | 1220 | -16.647000 | 27.057683 | 7 | ||||||||
81965 | 0 | 06 Nov 1993 | DK Harder | DK Harder 1878 | Along roadside in woodland (miombo) | Simonga Village, along Nakatindi Road (Livingstone-Sesheke Road) approx. 32 km W from Livingstone. . | 0 | Zambia | 1725D4 | S | S | 0 | Common shrub to 2 m; leaflets light green; petioles tinged red-brown; calyx green; petals white. | -17.966667 | 25.916667 | 5 | ||||||
60720 | 0 | 19 Jun 2014 | M Coates Palgrave | M Coates Palgrave | Wooded grassland | Livingstone Guest Farm, Lodge grounds | 167 | 0 | Zambia | 1725D4 | S | S | 950 | Small tree | -17.785050 | 25.919550 | 7 | |||||
81969 | 0 | 26 Feb 1997 | B Luwiika | B Luwiika 517 | AJM Leeuwenberg | B Luwiika | WAG | Sinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road, turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. | 0 | Zambia | 1727A2 | S | S | 640 | Tree with spreading branches. Bark greyish-black; leaves shiny, light green; fruits light green with brown dots. | -17.123333 | 27.435556 | 5 | ||||
46310 | 0 | 1970 | MG Bingham | Zambezi River, Chiawa | 0 | Zambia | 1829B2 | C | Lk | 0 | Flowers | 0 |
Total records found: 18
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