Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Müll. Arg.) Pichon

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Zambia records: View all records (378)

Records of this taxon from Zambia are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Admin prov Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
69915012 Feb 2016M Coates Palgrave
MG Bingham
Miombo woodland Lusaka, Protected Forest Area No. 27: Kavindele’s walled off section0Zambia1528A4 C1280-15.44443928.3971097
65977021 Mar 2015M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave
Miombo woodlandChoma, Nansai, road to Masuku Lodge0Zambia1627C1 S1220-16.64700027.0576837
60720019 Jun 2014M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave
Wooded grasslandLivingstone Guest Farm, Lodge grounds1670Zambia1725D4 SS950Small tree -17.78505025.9195507
81969026 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika
AJM Leeuwenberg
B Luwiika

Sinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road, turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. 0Zambia1727A2 SS640Tree with spreading branches. Bark greyish-black; leaves shiny, light green; fruits light green with brown dots.-17.12333327.4355565
81976017 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba
NB Zimba

Soil: Kalahari sands.Mongu District; 17 km South-east of Mongu Town, 6 km off the Mongo-Kaoma Road, along old Lusaka Road. 0Zambia BW1110Tree; to 10 m; common; in Kalahari sands woodland; leaves shiny, yellow-green; fruits paired, brown; latex white.0
81968007 Mar 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika
AJM Leeuwenberg
B Luwiika

Kasempa District; Kasempa; Kamusongwe Hill directly adjacent to Kamusongwe Prison; ca. 2 km from city center. 0Zambia1325B4 WNw1470Tree; ca. 6 m tall; bark and stems brown; leaves smooth, dark green adaxially, pale green abaxially; fruits dark green with brown lenticels; latex white.-13.44111125.8333335
81975016 Feb 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba
NB Zimba

In miombo woodlandSolwezi District; Jiwundu Resettlement Area; near Jiwundu River. 0Zambia1225B1 WNw1174Tree; in miombo woodland; common; bark brown with grey dots; leaves green, smooth; latex white; fruits green with brown dots.-12.18722225.6194445
81967029 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder
AJM Leeuwenberg

in seasonal marsh/grassland along road. Collections in grassland and on raised woodland areas.Chinsali District; 30.2 km E-NE of intersection of (D18) Mubanga-Kasama Road and road (RD66) pumping station at Misale and Chunga villages, nr. Ikola hills.0Zambia0932D3 NMc120012 m tall tree x 20 cm dbh; latex white turning light yellow; fruits dull green-brown with lighter lenticels.-9.81666732.5000005
81966017 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder
AJM Leeuwenberg

Collection along river, among rocks, in mushitu and in miombo woodland. Chinsali District; Chipomo Falls National Monument, along Chimanabuwi River. 0Zambia1132C2 NMc1310Occasional tree in woodland and among rocks; stems grey, young twigs brown with minute white lenticels; midrib of leaf yellow; paired fruit light brown with lighter spots; latex from cortex and phloem white.-11.74944432.4722225
81970008 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
AJM Leeuwenberg

Disturbed miombo woodland.Kaputa District; Mweru Wantipa National Park, along main road through park (D-37) 8 km north of the southern park gate. 940Zambia0829C4 NN1100Large tree 15 m; calyx green, petals cream in bud, white when open, slightly fragrant; leaves glossy above, dull and lighter beneath; contains white latex. Common.-8.91666729.4333335
81971030 Nov 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
AJM Leeuwenberg

Miombo woodland with some human disturbance.Mbala District; Mpulungu Protected Forest Area. 17.3 km northwest of Mbala-Tanzania road intersection with road to Kalambo Falls. 31.7 km from intersection at Sunga village. 1250Zambia0831C2 NN840Occasional tree with strong, sweet scent from flowers. White petals.-8.69500031.2694444
81965006 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
Along roadside in woodland (miombo)Simonga Village, along Nakatindi Road (Livingstone-Sesheke Road) approx. 32 km W from Livingstone. . 0Zambia1725D4 SS0Common shrub to 2 m; leaflets light green; petioles tinged red-brown; calyx green; petals white.-17.96666725.9166675
604954 1976MG Bingham
PE Bingham
0Zambia 0Drawing0
81974023 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid
DB Fanshawe
Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the ZambesiBarorseland, Senanga District; 42 miles from the ferry S of Senanga along road to Sesheke, c 1000 m Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi.0Zambia 1000Slender tree c 8 m high. Flowers white.0
81973006 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid

Forest ReserveKabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka).0Zambia1528A2 CC1200Slender tree 6-12 m high. Flowers white.-15.01000028.3000004
81972004 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid

Combretum - Diplorhynchus woodlandLusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka.0Zambia CLk1075Shrub or small slender tree up to c. 8 m high. Co-dominant. Flowers white.0
463100 1970MG Bingham
Zambezi River, Chiawa0Zambia1829B2 CLk0Flowers0
604994 MG Bingham
Lusaka District.0Zambia 00

Total records found: 18

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Species information: Records of: Diplorhynchus condylocarpon.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=145030, retrieved 15 January 2025

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