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No | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Zam bot prov | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
83099 | 22 Nov 1993 | DK Harder | DK Harder 2069 | CM Taylor | MO | Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. | Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. | 121 | 0 | Zambia | 1330B1 | C | C | 1590 | Herb in wet area; stems red-purple; calyx green; corolla tube deep red; lobes red, lighter beneath; dot at throat deep red; stigma white. | -13.154444 | 30.719444 | 5 | |||
83100 | 09 May 1994 | CN Nkhoma | CN Nkhoma 193 | D Bridson | K | In miombo woodland above meadow. | Serenje District; Kundalila Falls. Ca. 65 km from Serenje gas station on road to Mpika, turn to east for 15 km. | 121 | 0 | Zambia | 1330B1 | C | C | 1415 | 45 cm plant with bright red petals and yellow pistil giving strong scent. | -13.152500 | 30.722222 | 5 |
Total records found: 2
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