List of citations for Acalypha ornata Hochst. ex A. Rich.


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No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Zam bot prov Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
8078815 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder
G McPherson

Collection along valley bottom above Musaya stream, in Tonga (Sigongo) Reserve. Siavonga District; Zambezi Escarpment; along Malenga stream; ca. 14.4 km W of intersection of T2 (Kafue-Chirundu Road) and road to Siavonga/Kariba (MI5). 0Zambia1628B3 SS730Shrub, to 1.5 m; along stream; leaves deep green above, lighter duller below; male flowers: anthers yellow, most all other bits green; female flowers: stigmas golden-green; bark grey-black.-16.44166728.5819445
8078921 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika
Kew Staff
B Luwiika

Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4 SS860Shrub 1 m. Stems woody, dark green with white/grey hairs; leaves dark green; flowers yellowish-green, both female and male on one plant.-17.93333325.8500004

Total records found: 2

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Species information: Records of: Acalypha ornata., retrieved 4 December 2024

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